The NFEA Cyber Security conference focus on standards and best practice within the OT area – in a life cycle perspective from engineering to operation.
We are proud to present our keynote speakers Joe Slowik, Senior Manager Threat Intelligence & Detections Eng. at Gigamon and Maite Carli Garcia, Communication Manager & European CCI Coordinator.
We showcase a lot of exciting lectures covering topics of interest for cyber physical industry in Norway and abroad.
Leading standards that apply today will be presented along with how the standards are being applied within different
corporations’ governance frameworks and procedures.
The conference will focus on cyber and safety, and what practical implications it will have for the different businesses. We will also give good, practical examples and experiences from the area of Cyber Security. Both incidents and mitigations will be covered.
Take a look at NFEAs complete event overview
Program (the program is subject to change)
Welcome by Committee Leader
Jan Munkejord, Equinor
Intelligence-Driven Threat Hunting and Hypothesis Testing
Joe Slowik, Gigamon
The State of Industrial Cybersecurity in Europe
Maite Carli Garcia , Industrial Cybersecurity Center, CCI
IEC 62443 Q&A
Jan Munkejord, Equinor ASA
Securing the future digitalized transmission grid (in practice): From sensors to digital stations
Siv Hilde Houmb, Statnett SF
Poor cybersecurity causing major accidents across industries
Kenneth Titlestad, Sopra Steria AS
Training is key to maintaining safety of operations during cybersecurity events
Nina Tvedt, Secure-NOK & John Eidar Simensen, IFE
Strategy Game ”Zero Downtime” 0 Downtime: Blackout Edition OT Security Awareness Game from Limes Security Kerstin Reisinger / Thomas Brandstetter
In the OT cyber security simulation game, you become the defender of your corporate values while working for an electric utility. Several teams compete against each other and learn to simulate OT security reality. The participants learn about current IT/OT threat scenarios and adequate security concepts as countermeasures. In the end, the team that has best mastered the challenges is the winner. The simulation game is moderated by a Limes security expert and the results are briefly summarized after each round. The contestants play in groups at a table with a board in combination with a tablet. No special previous knowledge is necessary for participation and the simulation game is suited for both technical and non-technical audiences
End day one
Conference dinner at ”Gamle Raadhus” Restaurant
Building control systems – the forgotten, unprotected underbelly of your organisation
Leif Nixon, Sectra Communications AB
Automating security events. This presentation will provide insight into how to work differently around security management, detection & actions. It will show you what you get if you take the best of IT security together with OT context
Merete Asak, CTO & Frank Tuhus, Cisco Systems Norway AS
Creating IEC 62443 profiles for EPC projects; Approach chosen and insights learned
Fredrik Gratte, Atina
A practical application of 62443 to a control system (system vendor view)
Tomas Lindström, Head of Cybersecurity ABB Process Control Platform
Implementing IEC 62443 - the path to secure production
Dr.Ing. Lutz Jänicke – Phoenix Contact
Cyber security requirement specification – challenges and pitfalls
Kristina Drage-Arianson, Vysus Group
PDS/CDS forum - Industry forum for industrial automation and control systems
Geir Hanssen, SINTEF Digital
End of conference

Leif Nixon | Sectra Communications AB
Leif är relativt nyanställd på Sectra, men har mer än 15 års erfarenhet av teknisk IT-säkerhet i alla dess aspekter. Han har bland annat arbetat med incidenthantering, härdning, intrångsdetektion, digital forensik och penetrationstestning. Han har även hållit en rad utbildningar i digital forensik och incidenthantering, och är en populär föreläsare. Han har stöttat polismyndigheter i en rad länder i utredningar av digitala och ekonomiska brott. Han har hackat CERN. Två gånger.

Dr. Ing. Lutz Jänicke | Phoenix Contact
Dr. Lutz Jänicke studied electrical engineering at the Technical University of Berlin, where he also earned his doctorate on simulating electromagnetic fields. In 2002, he joined Innominate Security Technologies AG (now Phoenix Contact Cyber Security GmbH), a competence center for industrial cyber security, where, as CTO, he was responsible for development for both HW and SW for the mGuard industrial firewall ecosystem. Since 2016, Dr. Jänicke has been the Corporate Product & Solution Security Officer with overall responsibility for the cyber security of products and solutions at Phoenix Contact.
Dr. Jänicke is a recognized expert in security technologies and has been involved in many open-source projects. He is active in various committees and bodies that deal with IT security for automation applications, including being deputy chairman of DKE UK 931.1 «IT Security in Automation Technology», the German committee for IEC 62443.
The more informal story of Lutz journey moving from simulating electromagnetic fields to become an OT cyber security pioneer and renown expert is best precented with his own words:
While doing my PhD at TU Berlin I by accident became the system administrator. After my PhD I joined my professor at another university and hence became system admin at both the old and the new institute and had to find ways for remote administration, secure communication etc.
Since at university you have some time but limited budgets, I started writing my own open-source tools and participated in projects like OpenSSL.
The global community simulating electromagnetic fields consisted at the time of about 600 people. To my knowledge it has not changed much. Every year there was a conference where about 300 of us met and talked about the same topics as the year before, with just a few millimeters of advancement. I had the choice to try and earn a professorship and go on this way for the next 30+ years. Instead, I found interest in the advancement of cyber security and took the opportunity to make my side project and hobby into a living. I have so far not regretted the change of field

Kerstin Reisinger, IT/OT Security Specialist | Limes Security
Kerstin Reisinger is branch manager for Scandivia and IT/OT Security Specialist at Limes Security, a leading European OT security consulting firm. She has lots of field experience in OT penetration testing of products, systems as well as on-site security assessments for customers in the industrial and energy sectors. She develops and gives training courses for technical OT staff and developers in these industries. Furthermore, she has already given lectures on the subject of industrial security at national and international conferences and customer events and has written articles for relevant OT trade journals.

Thomas Brandstetter, Co-Founder and General Manager | Limes Security
Thomas Brandstetter is Co-Founder and General Manager of Limes Security. He has more than 15 year experience in bringing security into the industrial sector. Before founding Limes Security, he was founder and Manager of the Siemens “Hack-Proof Products” Product Security Team, incident handler of Stuxnet for Siemens as well as Head of the Siemens ProductCERT. He is also Professor for IT Security at UAS St. Poelten, Honorary Professor for Cyber Security at DeMontfort University and SANS Instructor.
Practical information
27.04.22 - 28.04.22
Participation fee
Company member kr. 7 000,-
Personal member kr. 7 000,-
Education member kr. 4 000,-
Education Non member kr. 5 000,-
Non member kr. 10 000,-
Press participates for free! (*dinner is not included)) Send email to [email protected] for registration.
NFEA will arrange a conferencedinner at ”Gamle Raadhus” Restaurant at the 27th of April.
Price: NOK 1050- The price includes 2 units of beverage. We hope you will attend this social gathering. Sign up for the dinner latest within 22nd of April.
Cancellation later than 7 days before will be charged. Adress: Gamle Raadhus, Nedre Slottsgate 1, 0157 Oslo
We have reserved some rooms at Grand Hotel. Use the bookingcode BBES270422
CLICK HERE for reservation.
Exhibition / logo
Exhibition is not possible at this event
Logo in the program:
- Members kr. 6 000,-
- Non members kr. 8 500,-
Program Committee
- Jan Munkejord | Equinor ASA | Committee Leader
- Marie Moe | mnemonic AS
- Margrete Raaum | KraftCert
- Judith Rossebø | ABB AS
- Knut-Erik Tovslid | Triple-S AS
- Karin Sundsvik| NFEA
- Tonje Olsen | NFEA
Other information
HERE you will find NFEAs Terms for cancellation and refund
Covid-19 Infection Control
To provide the safest possible conference experience for all participants, we follow current requirements and measures related to infection control.
HERE you will find updated information about guidelines and rules for Oslo municipality.
HERE you will find further advice and official information from the National Institute of Public Health.
If you are ill or suspect that you may be infected, do not attend the event.
Language: If possible prepare the written presentations in English. Each individual speaker may decide whether they wish to speak Norwegian or English, however the preferred language is English.
Presentations: A link to the presentations which we are allowed to publish will be sent to participants after the conference.
The app is available in Appstore and Googleplay and it is named NFEA.
Use the same email as you used to register for the conference to log in.
In the App you`ll find list of participants, program, sponsors and eventually also PDF version of those lectures we are permitted to share.
PS: The same app will also apply if you participate at other NFEA conferences.
List of participants: each participant can choose to hide their identity in the app.