Welcome to the 2025 Edition of NFEAs Cyber Security Conference in Oslo

Cyber Security 2025 takes place in Oslo – the capital of Norway April 9 – 10.

Cyber security is of increasing importance in Norway for most industries. With Cyber Security 2025, NFEA intends to show how real the cyber threats are for different areas of society. We will also demonstrate which practical measures large and small companies and institutions have taken to meet the threats.

The conference is also an ideal arena to exchange experiences and discuss best practices, as well as lessons learned about things where we have room for improvement.

Sign up and learn how to improve cyber security with a focus on Operational Technology (OT). We will give practical examples of how cyber incidents have been handled.

Up to date information on International Standards cybersecurity in OT and how they are used in practice for various companies’ processes and procedures will also be presented.

Already sign up for Cyber Security 2025? Other NFEA events can be foundHERE!

Join the Cyber Security 2025 conference in Oslo

Program (the program is subject to change)

  • 09:00

    Registration & Morning Break

  • 09:50


    Karin Sundsvik | CEO | NFEA

  • Chair: TBA

  • 10:00


    Norwegian Armed Forces

  • 10:45

    Under fire: Lessons learned from OT Incident Response

    Chris Sistrunk | Mandiant

  • 11:30


  • 12:30

    The OT Threat Landscape: Emerging threats to CNI and how to defend against them

    Simon Warren & Natalie Gristwood | Dragos UK

  • 13:00

    5 critical controls reducing risk of cyber-attacks towards your OT environment

    Tom-Roger Stensberg | Triple-S AS

  • 13:30

    Break - Meet companies in the exhibition area for networking

  • Chair: TBA

  • 14:00

    Healthcare regulatory security requirements and the influence of IEC 62443

    Ben Kokx | Philips

  • 14:30

    EU Cyber Resilience Act and EN IEC 62443

    Kai Wollenweber | Siemens AG

  • 15:00

    Afternoon Break - Meet companies in the Exhibition area for networking

  • 15:30

    Practical OT Security - How to deal with a diverse environment

    Daniel Reiner Franke | Norsk Hydro ASA

  • 16:00

    Cyber security for Digitalization in OT environment

    Heidi Moseng | Coop

  • 16:30

    Lessons learned from exposing hidden dangers in manufacturing

    Nina Hesby Tvedt & Mathias Aase | SECURE-NOK AS

  • 17:00

    End Day 1

  • 19:00

    Conference dinner at the hotel

  • Chair: Lars Benjamin Vold | NORMA Cyber

  • 09:00

    The Physical Security Blind Spot

    Brian Harris | Covert Access Team

  • 09:30

    Offensive Security – an approach for more value and maturity

    In this talk you will get insight from a upskilling project that includes our vendors of offensive Security and our internal employees, from IT and OT

    Lars Erik Smevold | Statkraft

  • 10:00

    Morning Break - Meet companies in the exhibition area for networking

  • 10:30

    Defending Critical Infrastructure: Practical SBOM Applications for OT Security

    Ravishankar Borgaonkar | SINTEF Digital

  • 11:00

    Detect and Response to VMware ransomware attacks, important take-aways for OT infrastructure.

    Nicklas Keijser | Truesec

  • 11:30


  • 12:30

    Interactive incident preparedness exercise

    Erlend Andreas Gjære | Secure Practice AS & Koen Fosse Matthys | Advisense

  • 13:30


  • 14:00

    Exposing Hidden Flaws in the Power Grid: Lessons learned from IDS Deployments in Over 100 Energy Facilities

    Ozan Dayanc | OMICRON, Austria

  • 14:30


  • 15:00

    Closing remarks



Natalie Gristwood | Senior Consultant | Dragos

Natalie Gristwood is a Senior Cybersecurity Consultant at Dragos, with expertise in ICS/OT security for critical infrastructure, including civil nuclear. She has experience in conducting cybersecurity assessments and designing and implementing protective monitoring solutions.

Simon Warren | Threat Intelligence Regional Account Manager | Dragos

Simon is the Threat Intelligence Lead for Dragos in Europe and the Middle East. He has experience in commercial cyber threat intelligence and prior to that spent 10 years in the military working with classified intelligence.

Practical information


09.04.25 - 10.04.25


Clarion Hotel Oslo
Dronning Eufemias Gate 15
0191 Oslo


Participation fee

  • Company member NOK 9 500,-
  • Personal member NOK 9 500,-
  • Education member NOK 6 500,-
  • Education Non member NOK 7 500,-
  • Non member NOK 11 500,-

Press participates for free! (*dinner is not included) Send email to [email protected] for registration.


The conference dinner will be held at the hotel  April 9th at 19:00, and participation is optional.
Price NOK 1200, – (3 course dinner, includes two drinks, additional drinks must be paid for individually).
Sign up for the conference dinner through the conference registration form.


Each participant must book their own accomodation.
Claim 15% discount by using our bookincode at Clarion Hotel Oslo.
Use the steps in the guide found in THIS LINK

Exhibition / logo

Exhibition (max 3×2 meter) :

  • NOK 12 000,- (+ Participation fee)

Exhibition incl. logo on eventpage/in app etc:

  • NOK 16 000,- (+ Participation fee)

Logo on the event site & in the app:

  • Members NOK 6 000,-
  •  Non members NOK 8 500,-

Program Committee

Committee chair: Marie Moe | Google
Knut-Erik Tovslid | Triple-S
Judith Rossebø | ABB
Øystein Brekke-Sanderud | NORMA Cyber
Pål Børre Kristoffersen | DNV
Lars Erik Smevold | Statkraft
Karin Sundsvik | NFEA
Tonje Olsen Benestad | NFEA

Other information


I appen finner du deltakerliste, program, sponsorer og etter hvert også PDF-versjon av de foredragene vi får lov til å dele. Appen heter NFEA og er tilgjengelig i Appstore og Googleplay. Bruk samme e-post som du brukte til å registrere deg for konferansen for å logge på.

PS: Den samme appen vil også gjelde hvis du deltar på andre NFEA-konferanser. Liste over deltakere: hver deltaker kan velge å skjule identiteten sin i appen.

Appen for dette arrangementet vil være tilgjengelig ca. 4 uker før arrangementet starter

HER finner du våre vilkår for avbestilling og refusjon.