In-depth training IEC 62443 | FULLY BOOKED

24.04.23 - 25.04.23

The course is now fully booked. Email us at [email protected] if you wish to be on the waiting list.

In-depth training IEC 62443: The protection of operating facilities against cyberthreats requires the cooperation of all involved actors: asset owners and operators, service providers for integration or maintenance, and product suppliers.

You experience how the concepts and contents of ISA/IEC 62443 can be used for the protection of operating facilities. The instructor will help you step by step through the elements of holistic Security Protection Schemes. You will learn about the contributions of product suppliers, service providers and asset owners in each phase of the life cycle of an operating facility.

Target audience:
Asset owners: Manager of operating facilities, Responsible for IT networks of operating facilities, CISO / ISO / Responsible for cybersecurity of operating facilities, Responsible for policies and procedures
Service providers: System architects, Project leaders, CISO / ISO / Responsible for cybersecurity in projects, Responsible for policies and procedures
Product suppliers: CISO / ISO / Responsible for cybersecurity in development

Learning targets:
Asset owners get to know which support they can request from service providers and product suppliers. Also how to protect their operating facilities, and which is their own contribution.
Service providers experience which capabilities regarding processes and technologies are necessary for developing risk-based protection concepts. They also learn about their activities and the scope of their responsibilities in the development of a Security Protection Scheme. The contributions of product suppliers to support the development and operation of Security Protection Schemes will be described.

The instructor of In-depth training IEC 62443, is Dr. Pierre Kobes. He is author of the book “Guideline Industrial Security – IEC 62443 is easy!”.

Other NFEA events can be found HERE! On related topics: there you`ll find link to our «Cyber Security 2023»-conference.

Program (the program is subject to change)

  • 08:30

    Registration / Coffee

  • 09:00

    Introduction, Overview of ISA-99 and IEC 62443

  • 09:45

    Basic concepts of IEC 62443

    What constitutes an IACS | Roles and responsibilities | Defense-in-depth | Elements of a security program | IACS lifecycles and product lifecycles | Risk-based approach | Security Levels | Maturity Levels | Overview of Security Protection Scheme | Overview of Security Protection Ratings

  • 11:30


  • 12:15

    Basic concepts of IEC 62443 (continued)

  • 13:15


  • 13:30

    Basic concepts of IEC 62443 (continued)

  • 14:30

    IEC 62443-2-1

    Security program requirements for IACS asset owners

  • 15:00

    Relationship betweenISO/ IEC 27001 and IEC 62443

  • 15:30


  • 15:45

    IEC 62443-3-2

    Security risk assessment and system design

  • 16:30

    IEC 62443-2-4

    Security program requirements for IACS service providers

  • 17:15

    Final discussion

  • 17:30

    End day one

  • 18:30


  • 08:30

    Wrap-up, summary of day 1

  • 08:45

    IEC 62443-3-3, IEC 62443-4-2

    System security requirements and security levels | Technical security requirements for IACS components

  • 09:30

    IEC 62443-4-1

    Secure product development lifecycle requirements

  • 10:15


  • 10:30

    Design and implementation of a Security Protection Scheme

    Cybersecurity Requirement Specification | Design and implementation of technical security measures | Use of SPR during design and implementation

  • 11:30


  • 12:15

    Design and implementation of a Security Protection Scheme (continued

  • 13:00

    Validation and operation of a Security Protection Scheme

    Initial validation of technical security measures | Initial validation of process security measures | Operation of a Security Protection Scheme | Periodic revalidation of a Security Protection Scheme | Update and maintenance of a Security Protection Scheme | Use of SPR during operation and maintenance

  • 14:00


  • 14:15

    Validation and operation of a Security Protection Scheme (continued)

  • 15:00

    Simplified use of Security Protection Ratings

    Use of views in specification phase | Use of views in integration / commissioning phase | Use of views in operation / maintenance phase

  • 16:00

    Final discussion

  • 16:30

    The end


Dr. Pierre Kobes

Dr. Pierre Kobes has a longstanding experience in the automation division of Siemens. He was responsible during the last ten years of its career for cybersecurity  standards, regulations and certifications. He influenced significantly the development of the standard series ISA/IEC 62443 and is author of the book “Guideline Industrial Security – IEC 62443 is easy!”.

He is active in German and international standardization committees and propagates a holistic approach for the protection of operating facilities as well as the integration of security in development and production of automation products.

Practical information


24.04.23 - 25.04.23


Clarion Hotel Oslo
Dronning Eufemias gate 15
0191 Oslo

Participation fee

  • Member kr. 7 300,-
  • Non member kr. 10 300,-


Each participant must book their own accomodation.

Other information

HERE you will find NFEAs Terms for cancellation and refund

From evaluation of the course that took place in June 2022:

  • The course was very informative and beneficial
  • The content was spot on to my interest in cybersecurity in OT. And also it went in depth in the standard to get an overview. Great instructor!
  • Very good course (extensive material but I knew this) Good to get it explained from a person with deep competency

Average rating: