How to improve Situational Awareeness by using Data Analytics

The term data analytics refers to different ways of analysing raw data to make conclusions about the information. This is achieved by using both qualitative and quantitative techniques and processes. In a control room, the goal is to improve the situational awareness for faster and more targeted decisions. Big data is extremely large data sets

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Digital produksjonsledelse – fra brannslokking til røykvarsler

Med strømlinjeformede produksjonslinjer og høy automatiseringsgrad, er det ikke åpenbart hvor vi kan hente ut ytterligere produktivitetsforbedring. Svaret er digitalisering – hva var spørsmålet? Det kan nesten se ut som vi har glemt spørsmålet i vår iver med å digitalisere alt, med fare for å investere tid og penger uten å få ut maksimal effekt.

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Artificial Intelligence for Safer & Optimized Production

The history of Artificial Intelligence goes all the way back to the classical antiquity where the idea of intelligent robots (such as Talos) and artificial beings, such as Galatea and Pandora, were a part of Greek Mythology (McCorduck, P., 2004). Talos was a giant automatic machine circling the shores and protecting Europe from pirates and invaders. But

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How can we ensure support and expertise on legacy systems?

Some of today’s advanced factories have technical equipment that was installed several decades ago, and the systems in the factory have been subject to radical changes. Technology has also been changing drastically. Where equipment used to be manually operated, mechanical devices are now automated devices with more computer power than the largest computers used to

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