Mimes AS


Mimes was founded out of necessity in the market, the IioT market was accelerating in adaptation and more complete solutions were needed to fulfill customer needs. This gave several gaps in technology that the larger players did not address as they were focusing on their core technologies. This combined with long development times for most major players combined with high cost. After analyzing the needs of the market Mimes collected a team of industry experts within Ex, SIL Hardware and software design, Technical safety expertise and market knowledge.

Using a well of knowledge in all aspects of the market needs. Applying these to an agile team of engineers and industry experts, that can realize projects with the right solutions at a fast phase. Mimes team is able to use dedicated focus on defined solutions and not get bogged down with the fragmented approach of larger organizations with a wide range of legacy portfolio that is consuming time and capital. The development of the RadioHub Mimes will close one of the largest gaps in Wireless safety by enabling any field device to get a safe connection with diagnostics connected to ISA100. The future for Mimes will be to continue using our core values of Knowledge, Agility and focus to identify and enable safety applications both wireless and wired building on our expertise.

Today they are bringing their first innovation aids to the market, the team is working tirelessly on providing the bridge from wired to wireless communication in the safety market. Mimes series one products are being tested with the biggest manufacturers in the market and there are several trials planned with major end-users. Mimes are continuously talking to customers adopting and innovating our solutions to be able to close gaps in the safety market. Mimes today has the first product range ready for large-scale production and plans for major expansions of solutions for the medium to long term. If you have a challenge or idea for the safety instrumented field Mimes can realize it.

Contact us:

Mimes AS, Figgenveien 55, 4332 Figgjo, Norway
Phone: +47 412 15 901
Mail: sales@mimestech.no