Skan El AS

Skan El is an independent marine electrical engineering company in Ålesund at the west coast of Norway. We have been in the business for over 50 years designing and projecting complete electrical installations onboard ships. Today we are 8 employees, engineers, electrical engineers and others with education within the maritime environment.

Our customers are Ship Yards, Ship Owners and Ship Design Companies, together with electrical installation firms, both local and abroad.

Besides design and projecting electrical installations, we also make FMEA analysis (Failure Modes & Effects Analysis) which is required for all ships built as DP 2 or DP 3 vessels. We do also participate in the FMEA test which follows the analysis.

As an IMCA member, we also can offer ”Anual DP Trial”, a test at sea after some time to confirm the FMEA analysis.

Skan El is engaged in building processes in many continents. Visit to shipyards is a common issue, we have continuous ongoing contracts in China, Chile, Croatia, Spain, Turkey, India and of course Norway.

One day a 30 minutes travel to a yard in Hareid or Brattvåg not far from Ålesund, the next day on a 20 hours flight to the other side of the earth to India or China.

Contact: Skan-El A/S Lerstadvegen 545, N-6018 Ålesund, Norway T. +47 70 17 20 20 [email protected]